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Yes...The Cursillo Movement lives on but due to ongoing concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic the Cursillo weekends planned for July 2020 are cancelled.


Please remember that Cursillo does not end because we do not have a weekend. Cursillo lives on everyday as you continue to bring Christ's light into the world. There is no end to the call to make a friend, be a friend, and bring that friend to Christ!

This site will continue to be developed as we go forward with plans for the continuing support and growth of the Cursillo Movement in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Blessings and the Peace of Christ be with you always. DeColores!



Thank you for being willing to share your time and witness with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!

Your application is of much help as Cursillo teams are formed. Beginning in 2020, applications are required of all who will serve on a Cursillo Team.


Please remember that an application cannot guarantee you a place on a team. Rectors are required to compose teams with Cursillistas drawn from Ultreyas all across the Upper Peninsula. They also must try to balance their teams with Cursillistas of various levels of team experience - approximately 1/3 first timers, 1/3 with several years team experience, and 1/3 with more than 5 years team experience. Team members are expected to be living out their 4th Day using the tools of the Cursillo Method. This is necessary in order to be authentic and effective witnesses to candidates on a Cursillo Weekend.

When you complete your portion of your application please submit it to your local Ultreya Servant Leader group. To download the current team application click on the 2020-TeamApplication button below.

Sponsor Packet - 2020


Dear Sponsor,


If you’ve talked to God about your friend and you’ve talked to your friend about God, AND if God is nudging you to invite your friend to make a Cursillo weekend – then now is the time to prayerfully consider what is required of you as a candidate’s sponsor.

Before you commit:




It will help you understand the full scope of your responsibilities as a Cursillo candidate’s sponsor.

God is calling you to a holy endeavor requiring your commitment, time and love. As a Cursillo Sponsor, you will be responsible for seeing your candidate through the whole application process and walking with him/her for a full year after the Cursillo. If sponsorship sounds like a demanding job, that is because it is! If the purpose of the Cursillo Movement is to bring the world to Christ, then sponsorship leads us to realize this goal. For those who take it seriously it is also one of the most rewarding experiences of the 4th Day journey! 


God Bless you as you begin the journey of Cursillo Sponsorship!

To download the current sponsor packet please click on the SponsorPacket button below. 

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